Monday, March 23, 2009

How do you sit while reading.

In grade school there was this poster on the wall on how to read properly. One of the steps to reading properly is to sit up straight, feet flat on the floor, back straight, etc.

Some have become most comfortable lying down while reading, others in a reclining or slouching on a sofa. I am most comfortable reading sitting with legs in a lotus position, book held on the top edge while the spine of the book rests over the lower arm, back curved and body hunched. But these are done in the privacy of the homes.

In a library, at the main reading rooms, the straight back chairs encourage the correct reading position, which everyone assumes, inspire and promote scholarly activities. At the serials section and in some cases at the lounging areas, there are sofas where magazines and newspapers are read. In this case, it creates a relaxed atmosphere. Unfortunately, in this leisurely environment some readers have taken the extreme step while reading. They not only recline on the sofas, they also put up their feet, shoes and all, on the table. Some would even kicked off their sandals and would sit on their feet on the sofa. This is maybe forgivable given the invitation the sofa represents, to sit back and relax, but to do this in the main reading room is inconsiderate given the limited space and number of chairs any and all library have.

However, they are all bad behavior, bad form and unsanitary besides.

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