Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Road to hypocrisy and ignorance...

Is filled with PhD's and multi-MS degree holders and some librarians.

I could name friends who are librarians who told me "i get sleepy after the first few pages of reading" and "the thought of reading alone lulled me into sleepiness". And I know of some librarians too who read only memos and official communications and only articles that relate to library science. Librarians are suppose to encourage reading, what I wonder is what type of reading really. What I understand about encouraging reading in the youth is actually reading literature. Now one might say reading library science article is reading literature in library science. What I understand of reading literature too is reading fiction, prose, poetry, short stories, etc. How can a librarian encourage such activities when they themselves do not indulge in it. Isn't that hypocrisy?

I as a librarian was discouraged from reading literature during work hours because it is not in my job description. If that does not show ignorance I don't know what is. Librarians can't at all times say to their library clientele "according to the book review..." we must sometimes have our own opinion on the matter. I realize of course that work time is valuable, but to be told that: "if you no longer have clientele to serve, look for other works to do, backlogs to attend to, but reading fiction or pocket books is not one of the things to do during down time, you may read newspapers and journals some time as you say you do because it is important in your profession to be abreast of events but this also you must put a limit".

The comment still rankles me. I won't stop telling this story until the hypocrites and the ignoramuses are unmasked for what they really are, hypocrites and ignoramuses wearing robes of PhD's and MS degrees.

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